By Appointment to the Court of the Netherlands   102 years of proven top quality   European market leader in outdoor fabrics

Tent bags and tent pole bags

Tent bags and tent pole bags. Extremely strong and economical. Made from the most durable cloth. Also waterproof*.

A tent bag is a very convenient tent storage bag for your tent, awning, bungalow tent, accessories, et cetera.
A tent pole bag is a storage bag that must be strong: in terms of material and in terms of reinforcing the bottom against tearing.
As the Holland's largest tent factory, we make our tent bags and tent pole bags from the strongest materials: either from heavy cotton(not suitable as waterproof tent bag for outdoor use) or waterproof coated All Season coated polyester. All our tent bags have a drawstring, feature a round bottom and are reinforced with extra strong sewing thread. An Esvo tent bag or tent pole bag is durable and hard-wearing at all times.

We have different types of tent bags and tent pole bags. From a very durable replacement tent bag to very competitively priced tent strorage bags.

ESVO, the largest Dutch tent manufacturer, has all possible types of tent bags and in different fabrics. Very durable and very affordable. If you take a look at the overview of tent bags below, you'll see what's available.
We have very strong bags for tent poles or a tent peg bag.
A tent pole bag is made of extremely strong AllSeason fabric from TenCate. This is necessary to prevent tearing out the bottom of the tent pole bag.
A tent peg bag is a small storage bag for tent pegs or tent poles.
**A waterproof tent bag is only possible if it is made of All Season polyester. 

The largest collection of tent bags, tent pole bags and tent peg bags at the lowest price

We manufacture a tent bag or tent pole bag from the waste of our tents. In other words, our tent bags are very inexpensive. And they are simply made from the best types of tent cloth.

Bag for tent poles M [CLONE] Save 16%
18,99 15,99
approx. 240 cm
approx. 50 cm
Esvo Save 15%
19,99 16,99
approx. 105 cm
approx. 45 cm Ø
Bag for tent poles XL Save 15%
16,50 13,99
approx. 130 cm
approx. 55 cm