TenCate Campshield® canvas is a so-called flame-retardant fabric what works like a time buffer. In the unlikely event of fire breaking out in or near a group tent, this flame-retardant fabric will provide extra protection and thus more time to reach safety.
This flame-retarding fabric is waterproof and also has a great breathable and moisture-regulating capacity, which is important for ensuring a pleasant climate in the tent, particularly with large groups.
Flame-retardant fabric.
Meets the highest international flammability standards:
- BS 7837: 1996
- DIN 4102 deel 1 - 1998 - Class B2
- M1 Classification NF P 92-503 (1995
- CSE RF 1/75/A (1984)
- Comfort CPAI 84
On request it can be delivered with certificate
Applications: group tents, scouting tents, holiday tents, event tents and awnings, et cetera
Nice canvas look and feel
Very strong
High breathability
Prices for this flame-retarding Ten Cate Campshield® canvas fabric are per stretching meter
Het is erg belangrijk om je ringen te verstevigen met verstevigingsband, dit voorkomt uitscheuren.
Voor een extra lange levensduur.
Oprollen met het beste band.
Premium klittenband met zeer hoge kleefkracht
Review by customers
9.7 / 10 - 12586 Reviews