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How to measure the orbital size of a caravan porch awning

What are the size dimensions of my caravan porch awning? This is exactly how to measure the orbital size of a caravan awning.

Before you buy a caravan porch awning from us, it is important that the orbital dimensions of the awning are correct. After all: otherwise it will be too short or the mud edges of the caravan porch awning will hang lubbly on the ground. 
Measuring the circumference is very simple. You can measure it below. 
By the way, what is worth noting is the difference between a difference between a normal (a straight) and an aerodynamic caravan. Kip, Beyerland, Delta and Eifelland caravans are at least aerodynamic. Once you have a clear idea of what type of caravan you have, you can actually start measuring.

How do you measure the orbit of a ‘normal’ caravan?

First make sure you have a long rope, cord or measuring tape handy, and duct tape if necessary.
To measure properly, your caravan should be on a level surface. Place the caravan level on its wheels and without turned out supports. Measure the length with the rope from the ground under the caravan rail straight up, through the caravan rail, and back to the ground on the other side. Looking at the picture of the caravan on this page: from ‘1’ to ‘3’. 
If necessary, use some duct tape to tape the rope to the caravan here and there. 
The total length of the rope you used(note: with the measuring tape or tape measure measured from the ground to the other side to the ground is the orbital dimensions of your caravan. This length Voilà!


How do you measure the orbital length of an awning for an ‘aerodynamic’ caravan?

An extra streamlined caravan has an extra sloping side. If the rail slopes with the front of the caravan, you will also now need a long cord or rope to measure. Place the caravan level on its wheels and without turned out supports. Measure the length from the ground under the caravan rail straight up through the caravan rail. On the sloping side at a height of approx.190 cm, measure straight down to the ground. Looking at the picture of the caravan on this page: from ‘1’ to ‘3’. So you do not follow the caravan rail any further.

Measure down to the ground!
In the explanation of how to measure, we touched on the fact that you should measure down to the ground. Unfortunately, in our experience, many people make the mistake of measuring down to a decking or concrete slab, for example. So that is NOT the right way! If you measure that way, the measured size no longer matches the caravan. A decking should be inside the tent and not on top of it.