By Appointment to the Court of the Netherlands   102 years of proven top quality   European market leader in outdoor fabrics

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Customer reviews

Zeer goede kwaliteit tenten
alles besten, gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis, schnelle Lieferung, sehr gute Qualität
Esvo Bedouin 280. A terrifically good buy. I bought this tent to withstand Antlantic winds on the west coast of the Outer Hebridies (Scotland), and it did that wonderfully on the last day of our holiday when gale force winds blew in: we were the only tent left standing. It's sold as a 3-berth tent but it could squeeze in 4 no problem. And it's a beautiful looking tent. Pricey but worth it. Very glad I have it; and my wife and 12-year son really like it too,
Snel herstel bij levering van verkeerd product
Duidelijk en goed advies, erg behulpzaam met bijv. het toesturen van proefstaaltjes. Snelle en goed traceerbare levering. Super !
Sehr schnell geliefert, guter Preis.