There is a (starting) camper few as embarrassing as a camp long to struggle with an 'unwilling' tent while neighboring campers watch amused!
Such a thing does not happen to you because even set up a large family tent is relatively simple, but if you know the order in which you must work. But it is best if you practice before the holidays at least once with your tent, so you know how everything works.
At most campgrounds you now barely able to choose your campsite itself, especially when you go on vacation in the high season. You usually get assigned a place for your tent. If you still can choose, find a good flat piece of ground. Preferably not in a 'bowl', because if you get a downpour, the matter is there underwater. Where the inner tent should be making the land free of twigs, pine cones, stones and other blemishes. Put the tent so that the wind does not get right at the entrance.
In most areas the wind comes predominantly from one side, so that the choice is not so difficult. Great bungalow, pyramid or dome tents are best addressed diagonally on the wind. So not the pawl back location on a wind, but one of the rear corners and preferably not even if that angle where the kitchen is expansion, because it is often sensitive to wind. Noktenten with a beautiful wraparound rear pretty it can be put on the wind with the back.
Spent tensioning much attention. Make sure the tent is pretty strained and that all pegging points are fixed well in tent pegs or pins. Who is careless in this regard is a chance his tent after a heavy storm damage and even find a lot further back. Applying a good stormafspanningen is therefore not a luxury. For a storm bracing noktent best it can be taken a long line that is drawn around all tensioner loops or D-rings. That line puts you at the front edge on both sides and then tension it by repeatedly between pegging points to place a peg. Just so long and so far unharness the line completely taut and the bottom edge of the tent is pushed almost to the ground. Now the whirlwind can not under the tent and also relieves the ordinary pegging points.
Now digging trenches runs around the tent or redundant, because many camping tents have cockpit floor sails that keep the water out of the tents. Moreover put landowners 's not exactly appreciate if you' ns wide trenches to have been digging your tent ... For the design tips for your particular tent is made to the separate user, which is packed with your tent.
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